Technical Project Manager

A Technical Project Manager is responsible for managing implementation of technology related projects to make sure the proposed plan adheres to the timeline, budget and scope. Their duties include planning projects in detail, setting schedules for all stakeholders and executing each step of the project. Their duties and responsibilities may include Create management, communication plans and processes, Analyze and develop procedures for management and technical duties, Define project responsibilities with stakeholders. Participate in how budget and staff are allocated for the project, Maintain project time frames, budget estimates and status reports. Manages the implementation of technology related projects


$95,500 in Washington,
$96,700 in United States

Education & Training

High School Diploma,
Associate’s Degree,
Bachelor’s Degree,
Master’s Degree,


10,949 in Washington,
400,135 in United States


Examples of employers include Google, Amazon, and Meta

College Programs

See the Title section of our Education page.

Additional Information

  • None at this time