Purchasing Manager

Purchasing Managers plan, direct, or coordinate the activities of buyers, purchasing officers, and related workers involved in purchasing materials, products, and services. Includes wholesale or retail trade merchandising managers and procurement managers. Their job duties include: developing cost reduction strategies and savings plans, develop cost reduction strategies and savings plans, develop and implement purchasing and contract management instructions, policies, and procedures. Prepare bid awards requiring board approval. Direct and coordinate activities of personnel engaged in buying, selling, and distributing materials, equipment, machinery, and supplies.


$145,200 in Washington,
$132,700 in United States

Education & Training

High School Diploma,
Associate’s Degree,
Bachelor’s Degree,
Master’s Degree,


1864 in Washington,
73,560 in United States


Examples of employers include PWC, Intel, and Nordstrom.

College Programs

See the Title section of our Education page.

Additional Information

  • None at this time