
This is the place we’ll post the latest, compelling research…about our region and regions around the world. These three research studies focus on CEOs who are finding reasons to be more confident in many places in light of the continuing uncertainty, provide you with analyses of our region, and finally, key recommendations to increase Washington State’s international competitiveness.

DACUM Research Chart for Purchasing & Supply Chain Management

The term DACUM is an acronym for Developing A Curriculum. The DACUM process used is an innovative and effective method of occupational analysis. It is also very effective for conducting process and functional analysis. DACUM is used extensively by educators and by trainers when they are establishing a new education or training program, or revising an existing one. Shoreline Community College used the DACUM process to establish a relevant, up-to-date and localized research base for curriculum and instructional development for their Purchasing & Supply Chain Management program.

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An International Competitiveness Strategy for Washington State

International trade is a key driver of Washington State’s economy, cutting across nearly every industry sector. In fact, at least 40% of all jobs in Washington State can be tied to trade-related activity, making Washington one of the most trade-engaged economies in the country.

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Perspectives on Seattle as a Globally Competitive Region

Metropolitan city-regions are increasingly becoming the new unit of global competition. Interconnectedness among international markets and continued outsourcing of production and operations has blurred the lines between domestic and international competition. Seattle ranks 5th among its peers, due to its strengths in human capital and innovation and weaknesses in infrastructure and global connectedness.

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Good to grow: U.S. CEO Survey

It’s clear that CEOs see hard work ahead to capture the promise of growth from the many opportunities unfolding today. As a result, they are making a lot of changes. For example, 86% of U.S. CEOs said that advancing technologies are going to transform their businesses over the next five years.

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